Multiplayer Game-Audio Interactive Music Experience.
Collaboration with composer Ricardo Climent
Manusamo&Bzika & Keep·It·Human
Timbila Live Aid is a free-to-play multiplayer social game celebrating the music and culture of the Chopi Timbila in Mozambique (Unesco's Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity). Timbila Live Aid is fundraising for Maputo Skate - a non-profit organisation established in Khongolote, Maputo. Maputo Skate focuses on edu-skating, which is designed to keep young people away from gang culture, drugs, alcohol and crime in Mozambique. The game was commissioned by Sound Campus - Ars Electronica and has been released as part of a larger experience during 8-15 Sept 2020.
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10 Skate & Educational Packs for Maputo Skate Park.
A free-to-play videogame celebrating music and culture from the Chopi Timbila (Unesco's Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity), helping to provide children in Maputo Skate project with a Skate Pack, which will secure a safe place to exercise skate during free time (away from trouble), providing strong educational values and wellbeing to future adults in Mozambique..